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African Union

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Strategically, the African Union (AU) has established a profound platform to achieve several continental and global ambitions which have been prescribed for mankind since the early days of humanity. Diligently, the AU has taken major steps to ensure appropriate policy reforms in foreign affairs, economic integration and international peace for the endurance of society. Distinctly, the AU has designated Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as social pillars on the continent to accelerate cultural diversity while forming the framework for CyberWorld. Meanwhile, global integration for the Agenda 2063 master plan invigors vitality within the RECs. Importantly, the RECs often extend opportunities in the AU to various international organizations which establishes and expands economic, social and political ties for the continent. Significantly, the Agenda 2063 master development plan is designed to achieve greater economic integration among African countries which reinforces and solidifies international trade. Uniquely, several building blocks for international trade in the African Union (AU) exist as economic development thrives with the near and distant future.

Appropriately, the AU is developing an outer space strategy which aims to preserve ancient trade in modern time with integration from military research and development networks on the continent. Likewise, the AU is focused on building a harmonized education system with a newly elected commissioner from the Human Resources, Science & Technology Department (HRST). Keenly, public initiatives based on the Agenda 2063 master plan form with the principle of subsidiarity to propel sustainable development, build human capital and achieve social protection. Frankly, the principle of subsidiarity organizes the call for sustaining every resource necessary to fulfill the needs of future generations for life on Earth. Actively, the principle of subsidiarity envisions a desirable future state for society in which living conditions and resource-use easily meets demand needs without undermining the "integrity, stability and beauty" of vital environmental systems. Therefore, the role of the Agenda 2063 plan is to generate focus on the integration of bio-age infrastructure in agriculture, energy, environment protection, economics, business, politics, culture and architecture which improves quality of life while expanding dynamic CyberWorld systems which include climate control.

CyberWorld Tour - Access Restricted


Northern Region


Eastern Region


Southern Region


Central Region


Western Region

Department of Infrastructure and Energy (DIE)

Actively, the Department of Infrastructure and Energy (DIE) in the AU is paving major roads for future generations as building for long-lasting prosperity, well-being and improved quality of life become mainstay. Principally, the DIE is devoted to the development of mass transit, mass communication and energy systems as bio-age infrastructure begins to shape the future. Economically, mass transit is vital for growth to Africa as integration with rail, aviation and maritime transit systems generate stability. Furthermore, development of road safety standards enables tourism in the AU to thrive which leads to greater socio-economic liberty. Progressively, opportunities for mass transit to deliver major benefits in the AU with implementation of the Agenda 2063 master plan improves intra-African society. Effectively, the DIE has designed Energy Development Strategies and Initiatives to ensure the AU achieves long-term environmental sustainability.

Intensively, the DIE has devoted various resources toward increasing energy access in Africa which enables the Energy Division to advocate implementation of several macro-economic projects such as: the Africa Renewable Energy Initiative, the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL), the Hydropower 2020 Initiative and the Grand Inga Hydropower project among others. Regionally, the DIE has developed the Regional Geothermal Programme which determine risks with energy production while mitigating implementation of the Agenda 2063 master plan. Tremendously, the DIE is ramping up on the digital society which integrates mass communication technology and information security for the establishment of the dot Africa (.Africa) top-level domain. Accordingly, the dot Africa infrastructure builds and unifies the African Internet Exchange System (AXIS) which expands the potential for international growth in the AU. Steadily, the AU is linking the five distinct RECs to the unified AXIS network which improves rural development while safegaurding food security.

Visibly, the Northern REC is building momentum for the AU with the Nile Basin Initiative alongside development of the New Suez Canal. Readily, the African Development Bank has ensured that Africa's socio-economic well being is secured in the AU with equitable investments for the distinct RECs. Particularly, integration from the AXIS network accelerates implementation of the Agenda 2063 plan in the Northern REC as reforestation efforts involve large-scale development projects including the Great Green Wall for the Sahara and Sahel Initiative (GGWSSI). Specifically, expansion with the AXIS network initiates a campaign to eradicate poverty and famine on the continent. Tenaciously, the AU's Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture is developing access to the AXIS network to ensure rural development while promoting agriculture. Globally, the development of the AXIS network unify efforts to expand economic, social and cultural potential in the AU through steadfast public awareness of new opportunities blooming in the RECs. Intuitively, the AU is reviewing a common currency exchange market for Africa in order to stabilize growth and increase GDP productivity.

Pan-African Parliament

Progressively, the AU is building new infrastructure and networks to eliminate security threats and establish peace on the continent. Significantly, with Silencing the Guns By 2020, more initiative is geared towards achieving major progress on ending regional wars, civil conflicts and violence against women or children. Impressively, plans for implementing an African Human Security Index (AHSI) ensure that criminal networks in Africa are extinguished. Similarly, the Pan-African Parliment (PAP) has launched several programs to stabilize security in the AU while building monitoring and reporting systems. Methodically, the Pan-African Parliament ensures the platform for economic development in Africa is vital as the AU expects full participation from each nation.

Intrinsically, the PAP is organized with five parliament members per Member State which includes a minimum of one women selected among members from the state. Traditionally, parliament members of the PAP serve a term allied to their respective national parliament duties to generate a greater impact while achieving the Agenda 2063 plan. Promptly, the PAP facilitates and implement policies of the AU with the following permanent committees:

Committee on Education, Culture, Tourism and Human Resources
Committee on Cooperation, International Relations and Conflict Resolution
Committee on Gender, Family, Youth and People with Disabilities
Committee on Monetary and Financial Affairs
Committee on Trade, Customs and Immigration Matters
Committee on Health, Labour and Social Affairs
Committee on Transport, Industry, Communications, Energy, Science and Technology
Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline
Committee on Justice and Human Rights
Committee on Rural Economy, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment
Committee on Audit and Public Accounts (CAPA)

Politically, the PAP is essential for transformation into the Pan-African E-Network which aims to establish an e-Society for the AU to expand international ties and elevate relations for the greater horizon. Fundamentally, the e-Society for the AU is specialized in delivering services to the AXIS network while expanding the dot (.)Africa domain. Steadily, the PAP is bringing accountability for greater achievement forward from progress with accomplishment of flagship projects in the Agenda 2063 plan. Expansively, the PAP regulates for justice while accelerating opportunities from building academic institutions which invigorate African youth and teachers. Markedly, the AU has united efforts with the African Export-Import Bank to boost international and intra-Africa trade as the Agenda 2063 plan generates prosperity for the continent.

1st Quarter Highlights

The Northern REC
Part I

The Libyan-Algerian-Saudi-Tunisian Network (LAST)

Assuredly, building the Libyan-Algerian-Saudi-Tunisian network (LAST) includes an enduring method to accomodate political transitions on the Mediterranean Sea as economic activity in Central Asia rises. Meanwhile, the LAST network accomodates several AU initiatives to maximize outreach for human development as investing in natural resources is primary to economic expansion. Transparently, mining in the AU has become of highest interest as the African Mining Vision (AMV) calls for a "Transparent, equitable and optimal exploitation of mineral resources to underpin broad-based sustainable growth and socio-economic development." Notably, the LAST network achieves social integration between trade routes linking the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea as building wealth and protecting space are encompassed in the AU Agenda 2063 master plan. Likewise, the LAST network harmonizes with the AMV to harness skills for potential artisanal and small-scale mining businesses which stimulates local entrepreneurship while advancing socio-economic development.

Furthermore, the LAST network is designed for alliance with the PAP which intensifies growth in the AU as new developments from military, outer space, and scientific research is made available. Specifically, the LAST network unites the AU as international trade on the Mediterranean Sea is impacted from political reform weighing in southern Europe. Meticulously, the LAST network integrates the Agenda 2063 master plan as expanding quantum technology infrastructure in the northern region becomes manifested. Exclusively, the PAP empowers the LAST network to accelerate social integration from diplomatic missions in Europe and the Americas. Perpetually, synthesis of the LAST network in the AU generates economic momentum as promoting the Agenda 2063 master plan stimulates growth in the northern region.

2022 - Quarterly Report

1st Quarter

2nd Quarter

3rd Quarter

4th Quarter
- Now Available