“We Never Quit… We Lead!”


Gobi Desert Reforestation


Amur-Tumen Reforestation System


View of the current haze levels in Asia





Asian “Yellow Dust”

Our highest priority at Soul Free Group is to ensure the well-being of our families forever! One way that we are able to do so by performing as H.I.S.T.E.A.M.S. to improve the air-quality throughout Asia.

We believe that we can replace the Asian “Yellow Dust Storms” seen above by changing the Gobi Desert Landscape! Russia, China and Korea working together as partners will make this possible. Just look at the possibility below:

“We owe it to ourselves to enjoy the wildlife!”

We hope to have all the legal framework to include the Unification of North and South Korea completed by 2017! Our aim is to begin the Gobi Desert Reforestation process as a multi-national cooperation with major economic benefits that we may all treasure forever! Soul Free Energy is our responsible partner and is sponsoring this initiative. We are currently designing a new Amur-Tumen Reforestation System which will rival our Caspian Sea Hydrometeorology System.

We will provide quarterly bulletins of news and events from our two amazing biodiversity hotspots to our on-line members starting in 2015.