The Century Pass |
Virtually, centuries of climatic discord has severed inter-government relations on several fronts such as: political, economic and social disorder which evolves from westernization of the "New Free World". Successively, climate security has intensified over global warming issues which improve inter-government cooperation while natural resources, the environment and wildlife are safeguarded. Woefully, decades of conventional war over the Middle East and parts of Africa have ignited plunder in the Western New World along with its resources as same-sex legislation coerces the general public. Primarily, this indicates a major need for a new multi-world order for global governance to meet the socio-economic and human development needs of SOCIETY. Generously, the RIM of Nations cosmoscracy offers this global digital platform! Immensely, the United Nations is under siege as US trade embargoes stipulate a platform for same-sex marriage legislation from the UN Command post. Effectively, the following reflect our leadership standards with relation to climate security and human development:
Court of Justice
Drug Control Committee
Financials Committee