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Open START Drills
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Arctic Pact Trade Zone | Upper Rhine Zone | Lower Rhine Zone | Middle Rhone Basin 
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Level 2 - Open START National Passages |
Level 3 - My Astronomy |

Climate Central News & Information
"US attempts to salvage the European Order with an Oceania based clan-style coalition"

Population Conversations: 442,804
Planet Power Seconds
Glance at NATO 
In early 2018, UNITED STATES ARMY COMMANDER, GENERAL CURTIS M. SCAPARROTTI delivered the posture statement for NATO. He stated, "As our most significant trading partner, Europe is vital to promoting American prosperity. With shared history and values, Europe is also a critical partner in advancing American influence throughout the world. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) enables us to preserve peace through strength as alliance unity fundamentally deters the aggression of potential adversaries."
Moreover, General Scaparrotti said, "Russia continues to destabilize regional security and disregard international norms, which have preserved the peace in Europe since 1945. Russia seeks to change the international order, fracture NATO, and undermine U.S. leadership in order to protect its regime, re-assert dominance over its neighbors, and achieve greater influence around the globe. To achieve these ends, the Kremlin is prepared to employ the full spectrum of Russia’s power, to include forcefully using its increasingly capable military."
United Nations Command: AUKUSA/Quad 4 
Extensively, the Central Basin is transforming international security while disabling NATO, AUKUSA and the Quad 4 military alliances with the Open START Hawaii and Open START Alaska drills. Inherently, the Central Basin fleet suppresses the UN Command over security backlogs as the Global South impedes expansion for the Japanese yen. Economically, the US dollar bounds NATO, AUKUSA and the Quad 4 alliances under one entity in the wake of the 2007 housing crises, COVID-19 recovery and war in Ukraine. Generously, the Upper Rhine pass bridges the Open START Hawaii and Open START Alaska drills which stabilize international and climate security. Uniquely, Open START drills for the Upper Rhine pass pegs the value of the Japanese yen and Korean Won to the Chinese yuan, Indian rupee, Russian ruble, and Mexican peso to enable economic transformation for the Central Basin region. Effectively, the Open START drill secures the yen in cooperation with the Global South as significant growth on the New Silk Road Economic Belt extends in Africa. Suitably, the Open START drill baffles the UN Command with the Upper Rhine pass as the historical value is at stake. Judiciously, the Open START drill isolates the UN Command over Level 1 protocol which underpins NATO, AUKUSA and the Quad 4 military alliances to Celtic Briton tribes.
The OSCE and NATO: From the Arctic Circle 
Historically, military conflicts include land navigation rivalry which is significant for the Lower Rhine corridor as tensions between the Eastern and Western hemisphere ignite over political testimony. Substantially, the US has interspersed armed forces in the EU with the connivance of NATO and the OSCE to subjugate the Arctic Circle and dominate international trade from the Middle East. Tacitly, the OSCE is equipped to engineer early warnings, conflict resolution and crisis management over military tensions with NATO to inseminate the world order of law and justice. Decisively, the Open START Iceland drill unify the corners of the world to combat the historical West from the Arctic Circle over climate security, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Particularly, normalized ties to Israel for the Lower Rhine corridor weighs over rising Eastern influence from the Near East which is a major factor in the Open START Iceland drill. Efficiently, the Open START Iceland drill balances political, economic and military parity between the historical East and West which is threatened from the incumbency of trade sanctions and escalating military tensions in the West.
Open START Drills 
African Union: The specific plan of attack in Canada pivots with Open START drills which eliminate the perpetuation of international terrorism in the West with declaration of the Battle for Greenland. Resolutely, Open START-Alaska facilitates the Battle for Greenland to improve climate and international security from the Greenland Sea, Barents Sea, Kara Sea and Arctic Ocean. Significantly, the drug pandemic in the US has diminished border security, national welfare and social integration in North America while parts of South America reel from the intensity of US crimes against humanity. Primarily, drug wars in the West have incubated in the Five Eyes alliance as security issues along US borders are maligned. Likewise, the Great Lakes and Gulf of Mexico are at risk as environmental emergencies persist over the limitations in US debt for North America which intensifies a major drought. Strategically, Canada is the main safe haven for the Five Eyes as growing tensions with Russia and China induce economic uncertainty over international terrorism which facilitate war crimes. Regionally, Canada stifles economic prosperity in Latin America which is at risk from de-dollarization. Likewise, military research and development on the Arctic Circle is critical to undertake the environmental emergencies in the West as climate control intensifies.
Open START (RKS) |
Groups T9 - T11 | *300kt | Millineum Power *4,000 MW
Level 1 - WA Dong (SIT.2) 
City/Town |
Latitude Coordinate |
Longitude Coordinate |
START 2023
Anchorage [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 33m (Group 9) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 61.218056 00 (Group 9)
Point B: 64.837778 00
Point C: 58.301944 00
Point D: 57.053056 00
Point E: 55.342222 00
Point F: 61.581389 00
Open START Passages![]() |
![]() Point A: -149.900278 00 (Group 9)
Point B: -147.716389 00
Point C: -134.419722 00
Point D: -135.330000 00
Point E: -131.646111 00
Point F: -149.439444 00
Demonstration![]() |
START 2023
Fairbanks [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 136m (Group 9) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 61.218056 00
Point B: 64.837778 00 (Group 9)
Point C: 58.301944 00
Point D: 57.053056 00
Point E: 55.342222 00
Point F: 61.581389 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -149.900278 00
Point B: -147.716389 00 (Group 9)
Point C: -134.419722 00
Point D: -135.330000 00
Point E: -131.646111 00
Point F: -149.439444 00
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START 2023
Juneau [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 10m (Group 9) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 61.218056 00
Point B: 64.837778 00
Point C: 58.301944 00 (Group 9)
Point D: 57.053056 00
Point E: 55.342222 00
Point F: 61.581389 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -149.900278 00
Point B: -147.716389 00
Point C: -134.419722 00 (Group 9)
Point D: -135.330000 00
Point E: -131.646111 00
Point F: -149.439444 00
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START 2023
Sitka [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 8m (Group 9) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 61.218056 00
Point B: 64.837778 00
Point C: 58.301944 00
Point D: 57.053056 00 (Group 9)
Point E: 55.342222 00
Point F: 61.581389 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -149.900278 00
Point B: -147.716389 00
Point C: -134.419722 00
Point D: -135.330000 00 (Group 9)
Point E: -131.646111 00
Point F: -149.439444 00
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START 2023
Ketchikan [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 6m (Group 9) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 61.218056 00
Point B: 64.837778 00
Point C: 58.301944 00
Point D: 57.053056 00
Point E: 55.342222 00 (Group 9)
Point F: 61.581389 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -149.900278 00
Point B: -147.716389 00
Point C: -134.419722 00
Point D: -135.330000 00
Point E: -131.646111 00 (Group 9)
Point F: -149.439444 00
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START 2023
Wasilla [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 101m (Group 9) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 61.218056 00
Point B: 64.837778 00
Point C: 58.301944 00
Point D: 57.053056 00
Point E: 55.342222 00
Point F: 61.581389 00 (Group 9)
![]() |
![]() Point A: -149.900278 00
Point B: -147.716389 00
Point C: -134.419722 00
Point D: -135.330000 00
Point E: -131.646111 00
Point F: -149.439444 00 (Group 9)
![]() |
START 2023
Kenai [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 26m (Group 10) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 60.554444 00 (Group 10)
Point B: 57.790000 00
Point C: 60.792222 00
Point D: 61.599722 00
Point E: 59.642500 00
Point F: 53.884438 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -151.258333 00 (Group 10)
Point B: -152.407222 00
Point C: -161.755833 00
Point D: -149.112778 00
Point E: -151.548333 00
Point F: -166.533243 00
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START 2023
Kodiak [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 14m (Group 10) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 60.554444 00
Point B: 57.790000 00 (Group 10)
Point C: 60.792222 00
Point D: 61.599722 00
Point E: 59.642500 00
Point F: 53.884438 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -151.258333 00
Point B: -152.407222 00 (Group 10)
Point C: -161.755833 00
Point D: -149.112778 00
Point E: -151.548333 00
Point F: -166.533243 00
![]() |
START 2023
Bethel [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 1m (Group 10) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 60.554444 00
Point B: 57.790000 00
Point C: 60.792222 00 (Group 10)
Point D: 61.599722 00
Point E: 59.642500 00
Point F: 53.884438 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -151.258333 00
Point B: -152.407222 00
Point C: -161.755833 00 (Group 10)
Point D: -149.112778 00
Point E: -151.548333 00
Point F: -166.533243 00
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START 2023
Palmer [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 71m (Group 10) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 60.554444 00
Point B: 57.790000 00
Point C: 60.792222 00
Point D: 61.599722 00 (Group 10)
Point E: 59.642500 00
Point F: 53.884438 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -151.258333 00
Point B: -152.407222 00
Point C: -161.755833 00
Point D: -149.112778 00 (Group 10)
Point E: -151.548333 00
Point F: -166.533243 00
![]() |
START 2023
Homer [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 29m (Group 10) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 60.554444 00
Point B: 57.790000 00
Point C: 60.792222 00
Point D: 61.599722 00
Point E: 59.642500 00 (Group 10)
Point F: 53.884438 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -151.258333 00
Point B: -152.407222 00
Point C: -161.755833 00
Point D: -149.112778 00
Point E: -151.548333 00 (Group 10)
Point F: -166.533243 00
![]() |
START 2023
Unalaska [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 5m (Group 10) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 60.554444 00
Point B: 57.790000 00
Point C: 60.792222 00
Point D: 61.599722 00
Point E: 59.642500 00
Point F: 53.884438 00 (Group 10)
![]() |
![]() Point A: -151.258333 00
Point B: -152.407222 00
Point C: -161.755833 00
Point D: -149.112778 00
Point E: -151.548333 00
Point F: -166.533243 00 (Group 10)
![]() |
START 2023
Utqiagvik [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 3m (Group 11) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 71.290556 00 (Group 11)
Point B: 60.487778 00
Point C: 61.130833 00
Point D: 64.501111 00
Point E: 66.898333 00
Point F: 60.104167 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -156.788611 00 (Group 11)
Point B: -151.058333 00
Point C: -146.348333 00
Point D: -165.406389 00
Point E: -162.596667 00
Point F: -149.442222 00
![]() |
START 2023
Soldotna [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 31m (Group 11) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 71.290556 00
Point B: 60.487778 00 (Group 11)
Point C: 61.130833 00
Point D: 64.501111 00
Point E: 66.898333 00
Point F: 60.104167 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -156.788611 00
Point B: -151.058333 00 (Group 11)
Point C: -146.348333 00
Point D: -165.406389 00
Point E: -162.596667 00
Point F: -149.442222 00
![]() |
START 2023
Valdez [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 6m (Group 11) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 71.290556 00
Point B: 60.487778 00
Point C: 61.130833 00 (Group 11)
Point D: 64.501111 00
Point E: 66.898333 00
Point F: 60.104167 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -156.788611 00
Point B: -151.058333 00
Point C: -146.348333 00 (Group 11)
Point D: -165.406389 00
Point E: -162.596667 00
Point F: -149.442222 00
![]() |
START 2023
Nome [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 11m (Group 11) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 71.290556 00
Point B: 60.487778 00
Point C: 61.130833 00
Point D: 64.501111 00 (Group 11)
Point E: 66.898333 00
Point F: 60.104167 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -156.788611 00
Point B: -151.058333 00
Point C: -146.348333 00
Point D: -165.406389 00 (Group 11)
Point E: -162.596667 00
Point F: -149.442222 00
![]() |
START 2023
Kotzebue [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 3m (Group 11) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 71.290556 00
Point B: 60.487778 00
Point C: 61.130833 00
Point D: 64.501111 00
Point E: 66.898333 00 (Group 11)
Point F: 60.104167 00
![]() |
![]() Point A: -156.788611 00
Point B: -151.058333 00
Point C: -146.348333 00
Point D: -165.406389 00
Point E: -162.596667 00 (Group 11)
Point F: -149.442222 00
![]() |
START 2023
Seward [*elevation ceiling = 40km]Elevation: 26m (Group 11) Topol-M (circle) |
![]() Point A: 71.290556 00
Point B: 60.487778 00
Point C: 61.130833 00
Point D: 64.501111 00
Point E: 66.898333 00
Point F: 60.104167 00 (Group 11)
![]() |
![]() Point A: -156.788611 00
Point B: -151.058333 00
Point C: -146.348333 00
Point D: -165.406389 00
Point E: -162.596667 00
Point F: -149.442222 00 (Group 11)
![]() |

Open START Drills: Central Basin 
JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilJuneJulySeptemberOctoberDecember |
JanuaryFebruaryJuneJulyAugustOctoberNovemberDecember |
JanuaryFebruaryJuneJulySeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember |